fee schedule

Hotel booking - Complimentary

Do you know exactly what hotel you want to book? I am an independent affiliate of Gifted Travel Network – a Virtuoso® member, which means I can hook you up! I can provide you VIP status and perks like $100 property credits to use on food or the spa, free daily breakfast, room upgrades, and early check-in/late check-out based on availability. These perks aren't offered if you book directly!

*This service is only complimentary if no hotel research is required.


Hotel research & booking- $125 per location

Do you have a destination in mind, but need help finding the perfect hotel for your vibe and unique preferences? I will provide three great hotel choices in your preferred location based on your unique hotel style so you can pick the one that suits you best! Once you decide, I'll book it for you and include the same VIP status and perks as stated above!

*This service requires that I book your desired room(s) upon completion of the research.


Full Trip Itinerary & booking - varies

Let me plan it ALL for you! This service includes planning your entire trip including accommodations, transfer, activities, spa, and restaurant reservations. I'll be your full-service concierge for your trip to ensure you have a seamless experience from start to finish! We will kick off with a complimentary travel consultation so I can get to know you and the rest of the travelers as well as all your travel desires, and from there I'll craft an itinerary uniquely for you.

- Trip up to 7 days - $350/couple
- +$75 for each additional adult
- +$150 for reach additional week of travel planned (per group)
- Airfare can also be booked for $100/per person per trip


Do you prefer a long-term committed relationship? - $1500/couple + kids

As someone with a hairdresser of 11 years, and a plumber who I can basically call my friend at this point, I like to be in my relationships for the long haul and have someone I know I can trust to handle certain tasks for me. Having someone at the ready to handle all your travel needs for both your big trips throughout the year as well as the last-minute ones you decide to throw in to get away is clutch so let's make it official and add a "travel advisor" to your list of go-to experts. I'll be at your service for all your solo, couples or family trips throughout the year including any one-off hotel bookings or research.


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